Signode RCNS2-114 pneumatic sealer

Signode RCNS2-114

The Signode RCNS2-114 is a Reverse notch pneumatic Sealer that stands out for its pistol-grip design. This sealer is designed to be used with steel straps of width 1-1/4” and applies single reverse notch seal. It weighs just 6.1 lb and can be used with straps of thickness up to 0.031”. It minimizes operator effort by using compressed air to do almost all the work. If you are looking for a tool for high productivity in heavy steel strapping applications, this is the ideal choice. It is also recommended when seals need to be applied in difficult positions.


  • Lightweight tool that is easy to maneuver
  • Highly durable and reliable tool
  • Familiar design that makes it easier to use for everyone
  • Minimal wear parts reduce maintenance needs and increase lifecycle

All the wear parts are readily available. Tool Repair services are available with quick turnaround. The tool can be fixed by certified technicians and returned in the shortest possible time to ensure that your production doesn’t get affected. Since the RCNS2-114 is a sealer, it is recommended to use a tensioner such as the Signode PN2-114 or Fromm A452 to pull the strap to tension.


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